How Do I File for Worker’s Compensation?

by Alexandra

Getting injured at work is not a scenario in which anyone wants to find themselves. However, injuries at work do happen, and when they do, the worker should be treated fairly and not be pressured into a settlement or inappropriate agreement.

If you've been injured at work, you need to know your rights. Call an experienced worker's compensation lawyer today for help negotiating the confusing and difficult-to-navigate world of worker's compensation cases.

What are Some Common Workplace Injuries?

What are Some Common Workplace Injuries?
What are Some Common Workplace Injuries?

Injuries sustained at work differ widely depending on the job in question. For office workers, a major concern might be postural and repetitive movement injuries such as:

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Typing on a keyboard every day, every week, every month, for years in a row can lead to hand and wrist injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. This is a common issue for many office workers who use a computer.
  • Low Back Pain. If you aren't equipped with a proper set-up including a chair with good support, you may develop back pain symptoms as a result.
  • Neck Pain. Similar to back pain; sitting at a desk all day long with an improper set-up could result in neck pain.

But not all employees work in office settings. Some laborers have much more physically demanding jobs, such as construction workers who might sustain injuries such as:

  • Crush injuries. Dropping a heavy object on a hand or foot can crush the limb and render it useless. This is a common occurrence at construction sites either by accident or by improper safety protocols.
  • Torn muscles. Lifting heavy beams, boxes, or any number of other items that a heavy laborer may come across can lead to torn muscles, ligaments, and tendons.
  • Broken bones. Falls, crush injuries, and other accidents can all lead to fractured bones throughout the body.

How Can a Worker's Compensation Lawyer Help Me?

There are a number of considerations you need to make after sustaining a workplace injury. If you are on your own, this process may be much more difficult and confusing. However, with the help of a qualified worker's compensation lawyer you'll be able to navigate the tricky legal world of worker's compensation cases and get everything you deserve.

After receiving appropriate medical treatment, you should consider contacting a lawyer who will help you with all of the following during your worker's compensation proceedings:

  • Correctly filling out and filing forms with the state.
  • Determining damages.
  • Gathering expert testimony.
  • Standing up for you against the insurance company and your employer.
  • Ensuring that you don't agree to an alternative position at your place of work.
  • Tracking and making sure your disability payments are on-time and in the correct amount.


While you are under no obligation to hire a lawyer for your worker's compensation case, it is almost always a good idea. Even if you have a good relationship with your employer, they will very often attempt to close your case and not pay you the benefits to which you are entitled. You'll have enough to worry about while you recover from your injury, let a good worker's compensation lawyer handle the legal aspects of your case.

About Alexandra

Content creation is my passion and profession. I am an avid reader which basically inspired me to get into writing. I love to read and know about almost everything under the Sun. Apart from spending time writing and reading, I love exploring new places and getting to know different cultures.

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